Terracom Projects

Advanced Life Sciences/
Sarawak MediChem Pharmaceuticals
The bloom and leaves of a Bintangor tree in the Malaysian rainforest. Photo: Dr. Doel Saejarto

The Bintangor tree, which produces a compound that fights HIV. Sarawak MediChem

Pharmaceuticals replicated the compound in the lab to avoid having to harvest

rainforest trees. Photo: Dr. Doel Saejarto. Courtesy of Sarawak MediChem Pharmaceuticals

Terracom conducted a multi-year media campaign for Advanced Life Sciences and its affiliate Sarawak MediChem Pharmaceuticals, a joint venture with the government of Sarawak, Malaysia. Its lead drug, an anti-HIV compound discovered in the Sarawak rainforest, was replicated in the laboratory and is in clinical trials. By re-creating the compound in the lab, the scientists have been able to study and develop it without harming the rainforest.

  • PR Strategy
  • Media Relations

Selected results from this project include:
  • A half-hour feature on A&E’s Investigative Reports
  • A special health report on Chicago's NBC5
  • Multiple features in:
    • Crain’s Chicago Business
    • The Business section of the Chicago Tribune
    • Several trade publications

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